Monday, September 30, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1. Student safety, Suicide prevention, and Monitoring.
2. Yes, the school can directly extract student information and won't disclose their methods.
3. I dont use social media anymore so i wouldnt be too worried about new information getting out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bellringer pd.3 9/16/13

There was a memorial for a church bombing which killed four little girls and started a civil rights movement.

Bellringer pd.3 9/17/13

1. It shows that America still has its fair share of prejudice.
2. The cicil rights movement has not affected all minorities in America, some still suffer from prejudice.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bellringer Pd.3 9/10/13

1. They think it increases values, plus its a promotion for the Kansas City Chiefs.

2. I would say even divided by two that there is over 1,000 calories in this meal. I believe any fast food could potentially contribute to obeseity problems.

3. Yes, it could be good value maketing, plus the article said other restaurants are already thinking about it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bellringer pd.3 9/9/13

1. I think over time the U.S. has built up a responsibility to be a world police force.

2. I think the UN should take any step in enforcement they need to take to prevent crimes.

3. Chemical weapons worry people because they have large areas they affect and are painful weapons.

Bellringer pd.3 9/6/13

1. I think this is an interesting article, I believe the man who slapped the young boy may have some issues.

2. I think it shows the father may have anger and/or patience issues.

3. I'm not sure, i wouldn't think slapping a kid would be viewed differently back then, but maybe so.

Bellringer Pd3 9/5/13

1. I dont believe McDonalds should raise it's "dollar menu" prices because i think it shpould hold true to its name and contain dollar items.

2. Yes, i think any working employee should be paid at least a living wage.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bellringer 9/3/13

1. I think this is an invasion of privacy, however, i believe you should be aware of the risk when signing up on a social networking site.

2. I've never read the terms and conditions so i don't know them well enough to tell.

3. I think this is just outside the violation of our 4th amendment rights