Thursday, November 21, 2013

Civics Pd.3 Gettysburg Assignment Zeke/Patrick

Eleven score and seventeen years ago, our forefathers established this land with certain freedoms. Freedoms which were given to us, the people in order to establish the best lives for ourselves possible. However some of these freedoms, if not used responsibly, will lead to unhealthy citizens and a damnpened society. This is an issue of tobacco products in our country. The use of tobacco in America has been a reserved freedom of those with the proper age for a very long time. We do not aim to take away this freedom, only to make sure it is followed and respected as it should be. The legal age required to buy tobacco products should be raised in order to help prevnt minors from acquiring them. Stricter tolerance laws should be enforced in places where the public health is a concern such as in schools. Our goal in making the laws regarding tobacco use more strict does not set a goal in removing your given freedoms in America. We only wish to keep our country a cleaner, and overall healthier nation. Please take these factors in to consideration, and make an effort to better yourself, your fellow citizens, and your country itself.

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